Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Homemade full english breaky

Hey all!

So... I love cooking! I spend quite a lot of time working out how to make lovely cheap meals. the other day we made the most amazing full english breakfast ever. So here is lovely picture with instructions and ingredients on how to make Sarah's full english

Sarah's full English breakfast: (serves 2)
4 X M&S own brand sausages, 4X free range eggs, 1 tin smart price bakes beans, 2 slices of seeded toast, 4X rashers of smoked bacon and 2 X M&S blueberry muffin

- Grill the sausages with salt and pepper for around 20 minutes at low heat
- Bring a saucepan of water to the boil with grated lemon zest and a tablespoon of white wine vinegar
- Cook the blueberry muffins in a pre heated oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees
- Bring the eggs to room temperature and reduce the temperature of the water
- Swirl the water and crack the eggs into the flavoured water, leave for 5 to 7 minutes
- Grill bacon
- Pour a tin of baked beans into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of paprika and a tablespoon of "proper" butter

Get your toast ready, chuck it all on a plate and boom you've got a fry up with some amazing flavours!

Alternatively, with the baked beans you can lightly fry a red onion in a heaped tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and then add you beans to the mix.

I wish I could get away with eating this sort of thing every morning, unfortunately my metabolism says otherwise :(

I know some of it sounds a bit odd, but honestly give it a go and oooo... let me know what you think ;)


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